Technical Requirements
PABs must meet the following technical requirements
LTA has revised the technical requirements for PABs to make them safer for the cyclists and other road users. From 1 February 2016, only PABs that meet the following revised requirements will be approved and sealed:
The construction of a PAB must be similar to that of a conventional bicycle;
The PAB can only be powered by an electric source;
The PAB must comply with European Standard, EN15194, for electric power assisted cycles;
The maximum continuous power output of the PAB must not exceed 250 watts;
The motor power of the PAB can only cut in when the rider starts to pedal;
The motor power of the PAB must be progressively reduced and finally cut off as the bicycle reaches 25km/h, or sooner, if the cyclist stops pedalling;
The maximum weight of the PAB must not exceed 20kg
Type Approval and Certification Scheme
Every new make and model PAB must obtain type-approval from any of the LTA-authorised vehicle inspection centres. Thereafter, each approved PAB must also be affixed with a seal by the AIC and registered before it can be used on public roads or cycling/shared paths.
You will need to present your PAB and the completed PAB Type Approval and Sealing Application form including all the necessary documents stipulated under INSTRUCTIONS & NOTES in the application form (PAB01) to the AIC.
Upon sealing at the AIC, the PAB must also be registered.